Preseason has Started!! And it hurts.
Today, I began my workout plan that I had made earlier this week. I think I should have waited until the day where I only had core and some light aerobic activity, rather than starting on the day where I have a THREE HOUR aerobic extravaganza spanning 28.6 miles.
The first leg of the three part series was a one hour bike ride. Not bad, coming in at around 13.6 miles.
I took one of the dirt roads in the area (point B to bottom of map) which was about a third of my trip. You would be surprised how many people travel this back, dirt road. As well as the people who fly down this road. Yes, man in the Mercedes passing me at 50 on a dirt road, I'm talking about you.
Next came the roller skiing leg, bringing me on a 9.8 mile adventure along Rte. 153, a road with no shoulder. Although it is freshly paved, there is just not enough room for a car to pass me without my rhythm breaking. 

People appear to be much more considerate when they see a skier in the road, most likely because they see that we cannot just move over to the side (unless there is a shoulder). The lack of shoulders and the planning of my regiment (10-10-20-10-10, 10 minutes skate, 10 minutes Double pole, 10 minutes skate, repeat) made for some tough hills.
Finally, the run from Hades. It began as a run down an access road behind my house, which turned into a 3.8 mile bushwhack.
Notice that on this crude Google Earth path, that I am only running on inhabited roads on two instances: the first arc to where the path crosses the main road and when I got to the road that my house is on. Along the way, I encountered: a flooded access road; a horse farm where I was spotted by a horse, dog, and a chicken; a burial site; some barbed wire; and two hunters across the field I was skirting (middle left of picture). 3.8 miles, 53 minutes... ouch.
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